
Cars are essential for players as it helps to complete their missions as soon as possible and get around the city faster.

When players start playing The Paradox Metaverse, their aim will always be to get the closest car to them to get around quicker, but the closest car to you isn’t always the car you want sometimes you want something faster or unique to you.

There's a greater choice available if you invest in your car, meaning you can claim high-end rides and other rare vehicles that you won't spot driving around the streets. Whether you're looking for a sturdy SUV, a flashy supercar, or anything in-between, you’ll always find what you’re looking for in the ParaDealership.

Each vehicle available to buy in the Paradealership will be limited to reduced amounts, with different vehicles each season making each vehicle exclusive and rare. Over time players will build a collection of cars as they progress through the game, leading to players requiring a land NFT with a garage to store them in as well as making it a hangout where you can show your friends your personal car collection.

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