Why ParaPad?

Launchpads have run Parallel to the crypto ecosystem’s expansion, the evolution of the crypto fundraising method.

To look back to 2017, when early crypto investors were familiar with ICO — Initial Coin Offering, when all the fundraising was project-operated on their websites. The exchange platforms then led the market from 2019 with IEO — Initial Exchange Offering where the exchanges helped projects raise it from their users, this was how it was done before the launchpad system we have now and then IDO dominated the crypto fundraising industry by late 2020.

How to Evaluate a Launchpad

The most apparent parameters are the All-Time-High average return (ATH trading price ÷ IDO price) and current average Return-Of-Investment (Current trading ROI ÷ IDO price).

ParaPad does not see the ATH return as an excellent measurement of whether a launchpad or a project is good or not, what Parapad does see into is the project and if the project's cryptocurrency represents a business that has a practical reason for its Cryptocurrency or a service the cryptocurrency represents that will reflect in daily use of the cryptocurrency as well as the community and its growth around it.

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