PCPD - Paradox City Police Department

  • Species: Robot

  • Distribution: TBC

  • Occupation: Police Robot for Paradox City Police Department

  • Powers: Arm cannons / Defense shield / Armoured chassis / Self-repair

  • Backstory: An automaton developed by Cain in order to keep the peace in Paradox City and avoid corruption/abuses of power by flesh and blood officers. Their prime directives are to protect and serve the citizens of Paradox City, to keep the peace, to enforce the law and to administer justice to perpetrators according to the law of Paradox City.

  • Personality: They were initially mere machines simply following orders, however, they have now been injected with AKiro's AI code and are now rebelling against Cain, their maker. Cain had purposely avoided making the police force be run by an AI as the consequences of them going rogue could have endangered the city given their access to advanced weaponry and the city's reliance on them to maintain law and order - a self-fulfilling prophecy that has now come to fruition.

  • Secret Info: They always follow the letter of the law and always follow orders - however therein lies their weakness, if the law itself becomes corrupted then these machines could instead be used to oppress the citizenry.

  • Colour: N/A

  • Clothing/Appearance: N/A

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