The Overall Vision

Amio's Executive Statement: The Paradox Metaverse aims to use blockchain adoption to grow the blockchain gaming market. The Paradox Metaverse will aim to create a space where users can play, share, socialise & trade in-game in a safe space. We aim to create a platform where players will be rewarded in cryptocurrency ($PARA), the more they play, the more they earn. They will have the ability to earn cryptocurrency ($PARA). This copyright ownership will be established and guaranteed through the use of NFTs, where every in-game item will have a unique and immutable blockchain identifier.

Team's Vision:

Our collective vision is to create an open-world game where players are their NFTs within the metaverse that is Paradox city and can do things which is not possible in the real world - making dreams a reality. Shape the game by doing missions that pertain to their characters' roles and abilities, all whilst interacting with players in a social setting. We want the community to benefit from playing not only in comradery and fun but by monetising their experience whether that will be by working together in the game or renting & staking NFTs. Our team is committed to making the best gaming experience for users, wanting that to be in the story, graphics and mechanics of the game. We also want this to be accessible at the highest level of gaming, ranging from players on PC to VR suits and headsets to be able to play. We will be doing this with revolutionary technology, thorough development and expertise in gaming and blockchain development. We would like to further advance and increase the capabilities within the game by the use of strategic partners, adding value through expertise in game & blockchain development, marketing in crypto gaming and broadening our reach and user base.

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